Patients, carers and the public

Medic sitting down with patient to discuss results.

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NICOR is responsible for a number of national clinical audits designed to improve the quality of care and outcomes of patients with heart disease. As the patient, the carer of a patient, someone you know who is cardiac patient or if you have a general interest in cardiac health, your thoughts and opinions matter.

Clinical audit is a quality improvement process. NICOR collects and analyses data to provide health professionals with information to help them to review the quality and outcomes of care against national standards and guidance. It is vital we learn about the needs and experiences of cardiac patients and the experiences of the families/friends and public. We do this by involving you in why and how we collect, share and use health data for research.

You can download the latest National Cardiac Audit Programme Report 2024 for more information.

The Annual Report is accompanied by supporting reports from eight sub-specialties covered by the audit programme and a dedicated Annual Report for Patients, Carers and the Public is also available to view. The report was co-written by the NICOR Community Representative Group Chair, Sarah Murray. Alongside patient representative Richard Corder and includes patient experiences during the COVID-19 recovery period.

NICOR does not offer clinical advice, but you can use our reports to find out what care you should expect, as a patient with heart disease, and to see how your local hospital compares to other hospitals in England and Wales.