Online reporting tools

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Home » Information for clinical teams » Online reporting tools

In collaboration with the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society and the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland, NICOR has developed a series of new data tools for all participating hospitals to use.

There are three components:

  • Data completeness tool
  • National QI metric tool
  • Tool to set up user-defined reports

These tools are linked to the live national dataset.

The National Cardiac Audit Programme (NCAP) user guide is updated regularly and is available after login on each screen of the NICOR portal.

Introduction to NICOR tools

Timeliness Tool

Data Completeness Tool

User Reports – Select From List

User Reports: User Defined

Quality Improvement Packs

We hope this ability to see your local information on an immediate basis will encourage you to collect and upload data on a weekly basis to assist your local audit programmes.